- Granny Smith Apples
- butter
- brown sugar
- cinnamon candies
- caramels
Use as many Granny Smith Apples as you need for your camping crowd. Core the apple, leaving a thin layer on the bottom. In the cored out area, put a pat of butter and about a tablespoon of brown sugar. This will depend on how big your apples are, remember the brown sugar will melt down into the butter. The rest is up to you, you can put in a few cinnamon candies, or a couple carmels, depending on the flavor you like. Wrap the apples in foil, (if your coals are hot, double wrap, if they are cooler, single wrap). The apples are placed on the coals, and rolled evey 10 minutes or so. They usually take about a half hour, depending again upon the heat of your coals. If you are lucky enough to have a freezer, you could add ice cream when you serve these. We have also served them with a whipped topping, cheese, or if your a purist…just as they come from the fire.